FORUMS › Successful Swinging › Finding Playmates › This site is full of fakes,flakes bullshitters and liars
TOPIC: This site is full of fakes,flakes bullshitters and liars
Created by: ronandjenn2014
Original Starting post for this thread:
We've not met one single couple on this stupid site that didn't pull some sort of bullshit... Not one, they fucking vanish like a fart in the godamn wind or they don't reply or maybe they do reply then vanish. Seriously what the fuck is going on around here? I've never come across such nonsense ever in my 47 years... I'm firmly convinced that unless your a fricken model willing to fuck anything that moves you'll be passed over and fucked with like an old shoe at a homeless shelter... And don't say maybe it's something we're doing, that's bullshit too. Look at our join date, we've met 3 couples, played with one and spent the rest of the time with our dick in our hand wondering where people go.... I've found the fucking Bermuda triangle... It's right here on sls... Fuck this place!!!

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TOPIC: This site is full of fakes,flakes bullshitters and liars
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