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TOPIC: Hotel take-overs
Created by: mayhem8
Original Starting post for this thread:
Went to our first one this past weekend. It was fun, but not something we'd personally be in a hurry to go back to. We went with friends and the majority of our play time was with the friends we went with. Not that this was a bad thing it's just that we don't have to drive over 2 hours and drop $500 on a weekend to play with them.

They did have events, games, and ice breakers and some food was supplied. Day one was BYOB and day 2 was cash bar at the main party. A lot of people seemed to really like it, but if you're going there expecting a lot of play time you may be disappointed. The one couple we did meet and play with was from NY and drove over 4 hours to get there. They likened it to a LS resort sort of experience but one they could drive to.

We had heard that the St Patty's Day party was a much better crowd with more people willing to get naked and play. Given our options to play locally this would be something we might consider going to once a year as more of a get-away to go off with friends. The potential for play time is certainly there but we found ourselves wandering the halls in the wee hours of the morning looking for the REAL parties and wound up being up between 3-4 am both days to find them. Needless to say we were ready for some R&R time when we got home.

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TOPIC: Hotel take-overs
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